The Clypian

Trump's Reflection on America

America’s fascination with Donald Trump, a man who speaks his mind regardless of the consequences, has launched him into the front of the Republican race for presidency. To many, his campaign seemed like a joke at first, but as time has drawn on, it has become no laughing matter. Trump is well on the way to becoming the Republican nominee, as he leads Ted Cruz by almost two hundred delegates. Trump’s comments about women, immigration, global warming, and many more issues have sparked a question in many people’s minds: What does it say about America that this man may very well be elected?
First, the reason why so many people have supported Trump must be addressed. There are two ways to look at it: the first is that people are supporting Trump because they are shocked to see such candid moments during an election
“I know a lot of people who support him because of his honesty. They know what he’s going to do instead of the other politicians who kind of evade the question. The other politicians can say one thing and then they go a total different way. Trump just puts it as it is,” Alivia Hart ‘19 said.
The other way Trump’s success can be taken is that so many people have embraced his success because they already believe in what he says.
“He’s certainly an interesting character. It’s also interesting how popular he’s become in this country. I think that’s really because he’s taken a lot of ideas that have existed already in this country for, I don’t know, and he;s propagating these ideas successfully,” Alexander Knorr ‘17 said. “I think it’s really appealing to people, so he’s always in the news.”
Regardless, Trump’s ‘honest’ comments are still rooted in hate and outdated stereotypes. For example, when he released his campaign, Trump stated that the Mexicans who are crossing the border to the United States were criminals, drug dealers, and rapists.                                                                  
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems.,” Trump said during a speech announcing his presidential candidacy. “They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.”Students were not impressed with this statement.
“It’s not right, the way he thinks about it, because some people need to escape from the countries they’re in. I saw this thing comparing Donald Trump to Hitler. Hitler wanted to extinguish a certain race and religion, and Trump doesn’t want any Muslims entering the country, and he doesn’t want the Mexican’s here. He wants to build a wall,” Hart said.
Trump has made many other un-presidential statements as well. In 2006, he stated that he would date his daughter if she were not related to him. He has also made several rude comments about women, including but not limited to calling them fat, slobs, disgusting, and rating their appearance.
“He has bad opinions on women and other religions, which is not okay,” Hart said.
While Trump may still have a long way to go in the presidential race as far as delegates go, the fact remains that he is still winning the Republican race. This does not reflect well on America. Many countries hold stereotypes about Americans, such as being racist, stupid, and idiotic. Donald Trump embodies all of these things. Letting him get this far into the race is an insult to America; he needs to be stopped. Those who can vote need to do so now more than ever, in order to stop the growing threat that is Donald Trump.
“Donald Trump is taking all of this exploitation and all of these ideas that have existed, and he’s been using those to push forward,” Knorr said. “Because we’ve already heard about them so much, we’re very familiar with the idea of muslim extremists and terrorists because they’ve already been propagated so much by capitalism, that Donald Trump is easily able to grab those and people are really very gullible to that. So I think that’s how people are still able to fall for Trump and support Trump.”

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