The Clypian

Protests Growing Violent Against President-Elect Trump

About 400 protesters gathered outside the Minneapolis Convention Center where Donald Trump was holding a private fundraising event in Minneapolis, Minnesota on Aug. 19, 2016. Photo credit to Fibonacci Blue on Flickr. 
In the declaration that the next president of the United States was to be Donald Trump, some cheered in his victory, while others took to the street in a non-violent protest against the election. Protests began in the start of his campaign with many interruptions during his rallies, which he chose to not ignore and to mock many of his ‘haters.’  In many of his rallies, he would claim that Muslims were all terrorists, all Mexicans are drug-lords and rapists, and non-ending sexist quotes.  Since his election as the next president, the protests have gone from peaceful to violent. One incident occurred on the third night of the protest in Portland, Oregon where many protesters began to light dumpsters on fire, breaking glass windows, vandalizing cars at dealerships, and knocked out power lines. The police interposed with flash-bang devices, pepper-spray, and arresting nearly hundreds for arson and vandalism. In Columbus, Ohio an OSU student speaker was tackled down a flight of stairs on Nov. 14 by a Trump supporter. The speaker was left with only a few scrapes and bruises, while the suspect is under a $2,500 bond.  High school students have joined the protest against Trump from all over the nation to express their concern for the future as well.

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