The Clypian

Captain America: Civil War

Arriving in theaters this May is a movie greatly anticipated by Marvel fans: Captain America: Civil War. In this film, former allies Steve Rogers [Captain America] and Tony Stark [Iron Man] fight against each other to defend their beliefs on how the Avengers should govern themselves. Stark, played by Robert Downey Jr., feels that the Avengers should be held more accountable for their actions under the enforcement of the government. However, Rogers, played by Chris Evans, wants the Avengers to remain free to protect the world without the restrictions of government supervision. This disagreement forces the other Avengers to choose sides, resulting in a civil war between heroes. Now, South students have been asked to choose their favorite hero to side with: Captain America or Iron Man.
Many South students view Iron Man to be the superior hero, believing Captain America’s strength pales in comparison to Stark’s technology. Even without his suit, Stark still possesses a knowledge of strategy and mechanics that fans believe he can use to solve any problem he is presented with. Supporters of Rogers even acknowledge that Stark’s seemingly indestructible suit would be difficult for Captain America to compete against, even with the aid of his vibranium shield.
“I prefer brains over mass… great minds think of really great things,” Connor Rosenberg ‘18 said.
While Iron Man has many supporters behind him, some Marvel fans remain loyal to Captain America. They believe that Rogers’ skills in battle along with his morals and integrity make him the hero to beat. Many think that Rogers’ leadership skills and strength of character make him a better choice for heroes to align with than Stark. Despite lacking the technological advances that provide Stark with an advantage in combat, Rogers’ shield has been shown to withstand severe bludgeonings from other combatants, including Thor’s hammer in The Avengers.
“I’m going to go with Captain America [over Iron Man] because he’s got stronger morals and a cool shield,” Parker Morris ‘17 said.

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