The Clypian

South to Add Athletic Training Program to CTE

Next year, South Salem High School will be introducing two new Career in Technical Education [CTE] courses that are a part of the new Athletic Training Program.

Athletic Training Program will join the other CTE classes, Broadcast Journalism, Computer Programming, Culinary Arts, Graphic Design, Manufacturing and Marketing. Assistant Principal Tara Romine has taken part in the process along with Aaron Howard and Abigail Hendricks. As of next year, Intro to Health Services and Athletic Training 1 will be the two courses available. Athletic Training 2, Medical Terminology 1 and 2 and other possible courses will being implemented in the following years.

South has had Sports Medicine as an elective course, however it is only a semester class available for juniors and seniors. With the introduction of new courses that are a part of the program, the hope for the class is that they are able to cover more topics, gain more students who are interested and expand on the rehabilitation aspect of sports medicine.

“I’ve been working with Mr. Howard and Ms. Hendricks, our athletic trainer, in this project that will really get students ready to join the field of athletic training… There’s already been a lot of high interest in the classes which is really cool,” Romine said.

Athletic Training 1 will be a year long course and is recommended to those thinking of pursuing a career in the medical field; however, anyone is welcome to take the class. In addition, those who have previously taken Sports Medicine could join second semester as many of the concepts discussed in semester one will be similar to those of Sports Med.

Freshman Health teacher Aaron Howard has taught Sports Medicine for two years at South and is excited for the development of the courses.

“It [Athletic Training 1] will be different [than Sports Medicine] because the curriculum is different and will go more in depth but it will cover some of the same things” Howard said.

It has also not been confirmed who will be teaching the course, though Certified Trainer Abby Hendricks said she is projected to teach two or three Athletic Training classes depending on how many students sign up for the course. Hendricks and Howard both agree that the course will involve more hands-on things such as taping as well as other preventative techniques.

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