Proper Mindset is Key to Student Success

It has come upon us, the 2019/2020 school year. The three months of sunshine and freedom are gone and the clouds of rain and responsibilities hang over us once again. This upcoming school year may seem daunting at times but with a proper mindset anything is possible.

One of the most important things to having a successful school year is to have a positive outlook on the year. If a majority of thoughts are negative than it is harder to be motivated and do the best possible work. Positive thoughts about situations that may appear difficult may make them seem a little easier. 

In order to lessen the stress of school work being prepared for classes is really helpful. Have all the necessary materials for classes; notebooks, pencils, pens, highlighters, anything that will make notes clearer and easier to follow. If teachers ask for something specific to their class it is important to try to get it as soon as possible to make life a little easier! 

Getting organized is super important! Starting the year off unorganized will only add to the stress of starting school again. Buy notebooks and folders for each class or organize school work with a binder; It’s all about which method works. A planner is also a really good way to stay organized. Homework, due dates and test dates are all things that can be simply forgotten, but a planner is a good way to assure that they are remembered. 

Another part of being organized is having good time management. Alot certain time towards each homework assignment or project so it can all be completed in a timely fashion. Within this falls procrastination. This is something that we all are guilty of doing, but it is also something we all know we should not do. It is never helpful, it only causes more stress and lower quality work. 

Teenagers tend to stay up late and dread those early morning alarms. Beginning the day tired and irritable is not a good way to start the year. Getting adequate amounts of sleep is extremely important. So make sure to go to bed earlier than usual so the wake up is not as hard, especially for the first week of school when getting up early is possibly a new thing. 

We all remember what it was like to be a freshman or a new kid to the school, so remember that a little kindness can go a long way. Whether that be helping someone find their way to class, inviting someone to sit at lunch, or even a simple hello; the Saxon way is to make everyone feel included and welcome in our school. 

The most important thing that can be done for the upcoming school year is to be who you want to be. Do not spend time worrying about what others think because there will always be people who disapprove. Coming back to school is a scary thing for everyone, newbies to seasoned pros, but preparing for a rewarding year is super important and can help set you up for success. 

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