2K15 Festival Dreams

Something strange and faded is beauty in disguise, so let it be forever in the sky dreaming of tomorrow. Beauty clung unto my eye stuck inside some festival blues inhaling sweet green grass smoke. Narrow white light bursts into the abandoned darkness far from midnight as the fire crept out of our wrists. Thrown onto a bed covered in black a face a grind on the bottom and top distorting my clarity. I shared time with my dearest strangers while sparing none for the distant friends carrying a bottle of smiles and a bag filled with hugs. Blacklight oh blacklight illuminating white light with lips upon my neck tonight recreating the dead emotion of intense lust. One shotgun after another being fired down my throat coated in lips sweeter than I caused me to laugh at its joke being blinded by a fiery red body moving back forth and forth. On the bed cuddling a resting body I saw rain reveal the grey sunshine crying out the happiness that bloomed upon this July. Three days locked in paradise relearning all my old tricks with lovely darling girls I couldn’t help but rejoice in a heart beating faster than ever. I found a most strange farewell in the depths of a sparkly-eyed lady who disappeared into the faintness of night. I treasure my abandoned memory filled with my pleasant secrets that slowly drain out from my mind. The day of our 25th truly boomed without any color from you or me, so if you would kindly let it be forever in the sky.

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