Governors Working Towards a Plan for Economic Normality

In early March, the government began to shut down schools and advise the public to practice social distancing, which involves keeping a distance of at least six feet between people outside of one’s own household. This meant many businesses had to find new ways to function under the conditions or close entirely. 

The businesses needed for essential supplies or restaurants with the ability to serve food in drive-thrus or with delivery are really the only businesses remaining open. The establishments which are not closed have to limit their number of employees working and have fewer workers on call, and because these restaurants have had to find new ways to serve food, it has left many families with little to no work.

However, recently it is believed that the public health crisis of COVID-19 is beginning to letup. So, many governors across the country are teaming up with one another to begin work on formulating plans to resume normal life. These plans are intended to slowly open businesses again and allow people to travel, while still ensuring public safety and preventing a second wave of the coronavirus.

The governors from each region of the country are starting to ban together. Earlier this week at a Monday press conference it was announced that Oregon would be working with Washington and California. While on the East Coast New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Delaware and Pennsylvania have decided to coordinate their local efforts.

However, Governor Kate Brown has stated that before reopening businesses there would need to be rigorous testing, tracing and isolation procedures.

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