This Month in Salem-Keizer: January 2022

State of TMIS

Happy new year 2022! This is the last TMIS entry of semester one, as it is the day before finals, but TMIS will live on to semester two.

More COVID-19 Policy Changes

On Jan. 11 through Jan. 20, numerous COVID-19 policies were revised in response to the Omicron variant. These changes include the four spectator limit for extracurricular activities which we already covered here, shortening isolation periods and in contact tracing no longer considering masked contact an “exposure” regardless of distance, to prioritize more likely cases. To be clear on that last point, that does not mean social distancing with masks is no longer recommended, simply that the district is choosing to not bother with cases with masks when contact tracing, instead focusing contact tracing notifications on potential transmissions during lunch and extracurricular activities. In other words, choosing to focus on potential transmissions with unmasked students indoors by ignoring potential transmissions with masked students.

Also, the SKPS COVID-19 dashboard that was mentioned in the November entry of TMIS now shows attendance rates both across the district and by school [though only excused absences obviously, this is for health reasons].

Extra non-student days

On Jan. 14 we had a non-student day due to staff illnesses and shortages [read more about it]. Though, this is  not the only day that was affected. Feb. 18 and May 20, both Fridays, will now also be non-student days. If these changes get too confusing, check the district calendar for an updated calendar.

Bus Routes Temporarily Changed

Buses are not escaping staff shortages. On Jan. 14 [taking advantage of the non-student day], bus routes were changed. Updated bus routes are displayed on StudentVue/ParentVue.

That is it!

That is all for this month. Tune in at the end of February for the next entry!

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