What Freshman Should Know For This School Year!

Students in the hallway during passing time o the first day of school, September 7th 2022 (Photo by Owen John.)

The most important thing to know about high school is that it is nothing like middle school. Students are expected to be more responsible, take care of things on their own and classes and sports are more demanding than their middle school counterparts. Remembering this will help the transition to high school feel less jarring and stressful, but there are some specific things that should be kept in mind.

Be on time to class

Being present and on time to class is the easiest way to not miss any important information, and make achieving a good grade in the class much easier. Many classes have policies in place that make missing class something to avoid as much as possible, such as limited test retakes or late work penalties.

Turn in your work

Many people may think that it is better to turn in a finished assignment late, rather than turn in an unfinished one on time. However, in many classes late assignments are not accepted or have points deducted for being turned in late. Wanting to turn in work late is also a trap for procrastinators, as having no deadline to worry about often leads to forgetting or not giving themselves enough time to finish it between studying for different tests at the end of a semester.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

When having trouble in a class, teachers are the most valuable resource to get back on track. Though it may seem a little intimidating to go and ask for help, teachers are here to help when students have trouble with a subject, and know exactly what needs to be done to succeed in their class. What most students do not realize is that most teachers expect their students to ask questions in order to understand the concepts presented in class.

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