Get Ready to Vote! Homecoming Nominations are Approaching

Photo taken by Lauren Liudahl

As Homecoming nears, students at South are facing the opportunity to vote on their peers for Homecoming Court and Royalty. Nomination voting will occur during advisory classes on September 19 and final voting will take place on September 26. There will be a Homecoming assembly on October 12 where Homecoming Royalty and all grade’s Homecoming courts will be recognized. Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors will nominate 4 students, while Seniors will nominate 6.

Homecoming nominations have been tradition for years, fashioned for those who voters feel deserve to be supported or honored among the class. Anyone in their respective grades is eligible to be nominated, allowing those who may feel underappreciated to have the experience. The simplest way to achieve nomination is to spread word of a desire to be. Students will have the choice to vote whoever they see fit. Voting for Homecoming is an easy way to stay involved within the school and support the student body.

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