The Clypian

Thanksgiving Mishaps

Photo of a Thanksgiving postcard circa 1900 showing turkey and football player.
Thanksgiving has always been associated with friends and family for the most part, but what about the rare cases that one does not spend time with others on that day? What do they do?
Where do they go?
People can be found at the local food bank, or volunteering there. This is a great way to help out around this time of year; with the people who need it the most.
But what if you are with family and something goes wrong? Ever wonder about any funny stories that could relate to this description? Many people have a funny story or two to tell about the holidays, but some are crazier than others.
“Three years ago during Thanksgiving, a crazy man showed up at our doorway and started to ring the doorbell,” Austin Long said. “My dad went out to go see who it was, and he did not know either. I saw him talking to the man, and when he came back inside, he said he was simply lost. He thought the man was just playing a prank on us, because he then went to the next house and did the same thing.”

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