Blood Drive To Help Those In Need To Take Place Tuesday

With a nationwide blood shortage,  it is more important than ever to donate.

 On Tuesday, Dec. 7, South Salem will run a blood drive to support the Red Cross. Blood supply in the US is currently at a 75 year low because of Covid-19, so donating blood now is more important than ever.  

“With the pandemic and everything else happening, not a lot of people are donating, so I think it’s important for us to fill in and get our younger kids to donate,” said Abigail Diaz, who’s organizing the drive.

The blood is used for multiple causes and usually goes to locals in Salem who need it. 

“That blood is used in many different ways, for transfusions, for people that need it for kidney diseases, so it’s an easy way to help out. Each person that donates can help up to three individuals. So for 30-45 minutes of your time, to be able to help three other people that need it is a really awesome thing,” said teacher Aaron Howard, who is also coordinating the drive.

Students who are donating will do an online pre-check, a mini physical and health check and will get their blood drawn after that. The blood drawing process only takes  seven to ten minutes. After that students can rest and receive refreshments. 

South already met its goal of 103 volunteers, but there is a waiting list to sign in case someone cannot make it/does not qualify. There will also be more blood drives in the future. Students can sign up in rooms 116 or 128. Donate now to enjoy a cookie and the good feeling of helping someone in need!

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