Seniors Win 2023 Color Clash

The 2023 Color Clash assembly is in the books; games, dances, and lots of noise. The winners of the annual color clash were the 2023 class seniors. 

The students at the assembly seemed to have lots of fun in a setting where kids can take part in “childlike things,” said Mrs. Kathy August, South Salem High School activities director. 

Dances from both the Islander club and the Asian club represented their cultures during Asian Pacific islander heritage month celebration. 

The islander club performed two dances and the Asian Club performed a dance with three different styles of their cultural dance. 

Points were first given to the class who had the highest number of students dressed in their class color. That class was the 2026 freshman, who dressed in green.

In the noise competition, each class had the time to scream and shout as loud as possible. The winner was decided by the science department who used sound level meters to determine which class was the loudest. It came down to the final announcement where it was the seniors who were victorious and the noisiest. 

The hungry hippo game was won by the seniors and the Food relay was won by the freshman. In the tug of war, the freshman won against the sophomores and the seniors won against the juniors. After totaling up the points the seniors were announced the color clash winners. 

“It’s when South looks the best,” said Mrs. August.

South’s culture relies on the color clash assembly to unify the student body. People from all classes can unite and compete in various competitions in which students can anticipate each year.

(Photos: Charles Squires)

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