Clip-art made up of a Thanksgiving food spread.

Feeding and Fueling the Community One Bite at a Time: Saxon No Hunger November Food Drive

Clip-art made by Connor Stewart

Thanksgiving is a time for celebrating and being thankful for loved ones. Many families celebrate this by cooking favorite foods and sharing with those they love. On the other end of this, some people lack this experience and are unable to celebrate the holiday.

Similar to the Candy Drive, at South Salem High School, a food drive is run to provide food for stocking the Saxon Closet. During the month of November, students can bring canned goods or WinCo gift cards to their second period class to support this cause. Officially, this is what the Saxons call ‘No Hunger November.’

“I’ve been here since 2003 and it was here before me,” Kathy August, leadership teacher and activities director, said.

Counselors coordinate with families and the leadership classes organize boxes for the families in need. Currently, every family in need is able to receive a basket filled with non-perishable food and a WinCo gift card.

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