Henry Langen Swartzendruber attends South Salem High School’s 2023-2034 Senior Sunrise event. Photo taken by Rose Langen Swartzendruber
ASB: Integral Part of Saxon Community
When looking at a community, an essential figure or set of values comes to mind. Significant individuals within these communities often hold vital roles and are beloved by many. Regarding South Salem High School’s community, such individuals come from the Associated Student Body (ASB) offices. Within the ASB offices, positions such as president, vice president, treasurer and secretary are available. Such offices are pivotal for decision-making and maintaining satisfaction among the student body.
Residing as the 2023-2024 ASB secretary is Henry Langen Swartzendruber, a Saxon senior. Responsible for assisting the ASB president, Swartzendruber’s tasks consist of community improvement and executive decisions on event planning. With a passion for making beneficial dreams a reality, Swartzendruber finds great validation in his ASB role.
“I chose to be ASB secretary as I have always wanted to be more connected with the south community through leadership, and through this position, I could implement ideas I have sat on for the last few years. With the resources and hard-working team leadership, I realized many ideas could become a reality. My sister convinced me to run for ASB secretary, and from then on, I was set,” Swartzendruber said.
Why is a Strong Community Important?
Emphasizing community, Swartzendruber believes in the importance of community and a sense of belonging. Personal experiences heighten this topic’s value as he has endured feelings of mental disconnect himself.
Being in the last generation of high schoolers who faced COVID-19 in high school, I remember what it felt like to be disconnected from school, not knowing what to attach to. Connection to some aspect of the community has become a goal of mine, as it can deepen the sense of belonging. As ASB secretary, I want to emphasize the opportunities to connect with the community, like with the Club Fair. Our music program is one of the best in the state and some students have probably gone without hearing a single concert from our music programs. I therefore want to work towards highlighting our music program for the student body, where some of our talented musicians can perform for students. I worked towards this with the Holiday Open-Mic, where musicians could perform in front of an audience in a relaxed environment,
Swartzendruber said.

Music, Music, Music!
Besides Swartzendruber’s goal of achieving a deeper community, he dearly wishes for increased involvement in Saxon music programs. Moreover, this draws from Swartzendruber’s association with various musical pathways. Aside from partaking in jazz band, marching band and wind ensemble, since the summer of 2023, he has been in a self-created band with his friends. Aside from his musical passions, Swartzendruber loves interacting with his peers, whether for ASB or not.
Extracurricular Activities are a Must
“I think clubs are great, and as a senior, I decided to go all out to see what I could accomplish. I am in Key Club, Sources of Strength, Environmental Club, Tutoring Club, Solar Club, and German Club. In all of these activities, including ASB secretary, I try to push new ideas or projects that could benefit South, like the club fair, clothing drives, open-mics, solar projects, or cultural music campaigns. I hope to leave a positive impact before I leave South, so I keep pushing to see what I can accomplish. Last year I played volleyball, and I hope to continue this year,” Swartzendruber said.
Academics and the Pursuit of Higher Education
As it is his last year at South, Swartzendruber has pushed himself to the limit, whether regarding club participation or enriching local culture. Although Swartzendruber puts importance on his recreational activities, he is two-sided in the sense that he cares for academics the same. By pursuing the IB Diploma during his junior and senior years of high school, Swartzendruber can graduate with two diplomas. Firstly, he would receive his Oregon Diploma, but would then receive the internationally recognized IB Diploma.
With all the skills he has picked up in high school, Swartzendruber hopes to apply them to his future career and endeavors. Skills as such stem from his social work in the community and his academic success.
“In the future, I hope to get a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering. I like math, and Civil Engineering requires leadership and social skills, which is why I chose it over other fields of engineering,” Swartzendruber said.
Swartzendruber’s Advice for Future ASB Officers
Because the betterment of the community is crucial to Swartzendruber, he hopes that after he graduates, a passionate group of students will take over.
“My biggest advice for students is to find something they can be passionate about, and work as much as possible to fulfill that objective. Work to get elected for ASB, work with friends, classmates, and leadership peers, work with opportunities and resources and work until those goals have been accomplished. Use skills and ideas to make those passions a reality, and strive towards benefiting South’s community,” Swartzendruber said.