Blood Drive Poster. Photo taken by Mailley Pierson

The Time has Rolled Around Yet Again: Spring Blood Drive!

Blood Drive Poster. Photo taken by Mailley Pierson.

On April 18, 2024, the Spring Blood Drive will take place in the Auxiliary gym at South Salem High School. The blood drive accepts any donors, as long as they are over 16 and are without blood-borne diseases. Sign-up sheets are in classrooms 107 and 128. The blood drive, running from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., will dismiss students from class. Snacks, drinks and t-shirts will be available for donors. The test will determine blood type and ensure eligibility. Donating blood can take from ten minutes to one hour, depending on the donor. Minors require parental consent and a form of identification.

Professionals recommend people keep hydrated before donation as this will help increase blood pressure and make the blood collection go smoothly. Eating well is an important step in preparation as well to prevent the likelihood of fainting during the collection. During the collection process, individuals can perform certain arm exercises to assist in blood flow, such as applied muscle tension. Medical situations requiring a blood transfusion utilize the blood collected from blood donation. According to the American Red Cross, every two seconds a patient needs blood or platelets. In a typical blood donation, one pint of blood is taken. This pint can save more than one life.

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