Various students join together in the gym to play a game of volleyball for their Flex activity.

Flex Tuesday: a Plethora of Opportunity

Various students join together in the gym to play a game of volleyball for their Flex activity.

Students can participate in an in-school activity every other Tuesday for an hour during Flex Tuesday. Students choose from various activities, with over 70 options available. With outdoors, sports, walks, relaxing, crafting, studying, reading, language and much more. There is a club available for everyone. 

La Cultura en los Países Hispanohablantes

La Cultura Popular en los Países Hispanohablantes is a club where students experience the Spanish-speaking world’s culture. Students actively brainstorm ideas about music, food, sports and celebrities in the Spanish-speaking world and further explore these topics during flex.

All my life I have been into worldwide traditional culture, pop culture, music and current events. It is usually the spark that gets students interested in learning more about a language and culture outside of what is readily available inside a classroom. It is also cool to learn from the students and see what they know about pop culture in the Spanish-speaking world,

Robert Glasgow, a Spanish teacher, said.

In La Cultura Popular en los Países Hispanohablantes club, students experience the culture of the Spanish-speaking world.

 “Mr. Glasgow is very kind and accommodating, and he wants to help out students who don’t have as much confidence. It’s overall a welcoming and positive environment. So far, one of my favorite moments was when we played a geography game about where each  Spanish-speaking country is located. Whoever got them the fastest and the most accurate won Oreos,” Avani Mohindra, ‘24, said.

Computers Club 

The Computer Club is another opportunity for students to join who are interested in computer technology. Students gain work experience with other students with similar interests such as game design, programming challenges and robotics. 

I wanted to host this specific club because of opportunities for my after-school robotics teams to get some time to work on robots during the school day, for my adamant programmers to work with other students to solve challenging programming problems, for students to find other students who also like building computer games and for students to socialize which is not something computer students are very well known for,

Judsen Birkel, a computer science teacher, said.

Film Flex

In Film Flex, students watch various movies and short films, discussing the colors, music, character development, overall thoughts and why these decisions were made for the particular film afterward.  

“I love movies! Editing videos used to be a hobby of mine, so I love looking at technical stuff in movies,” Allison Arellano, a social studies and psychology teacher, said. 

It is really fun to connect with students that are so passionate about film. Each student comes in with their own favorite movie or director, but the interest and passion is the same. I really enjoy seeing what students care about,

Arellano said. 

Pokémon GO flex

At the start of every Pokémon GO flex students check for nearby raids at gyms, which if active, they walk to the location and work together to defeat a Pokémon boss. If no raid is active they usually walk down to Bush Park to spin PokéStops and to catch different Pokémon. During this process, students befriend other Pokémon trainers. 

I decided to offer Pokémon GO as a choice for Saxon Flex because I enjoy playing the game. What I like best about Saxon Flex is being able to spend time with students doing something they enjoy. It is great to see them help each other with the game and get excited about shiny Pokémon and in-game events,

Heather Mclean, a teacher at South, said.
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