The Latest in eSports: April

Overwatch League Drama

In late March, Overwatch professional Matthew “super” DeLisi announced his departure from the Overwatch League and his team, the San Francisco Shock. Overwatch League’s most marketable player and the back-to-back winner of the Overwatch World Cup, super left right on the cusp of the League’s fifth season and before the early debut of Overwatch 2.

: “I just wanted to just say thank you, and I appreciate all your support over the past five years,” he said during an emotional video posted to the San Francisco Shock Twitter page. “I will always appreciate everything that I’ve ever gotten to do over these five years.” It is unclear how San Francisco Shock will replace their best player but super will keep streaming and supporting Overwatch.

Smash Tourney Scam

Super Smash Bros. player Pokelam was shocked after he won a $100 prize pool tourney on a stream and only received a photo of a $100 bill. He posted the photo on Twitter venting his frustrations with the organizer and the people that were in on the stunt. He tweeted about how he should have realized the red flags earlier as the event organizer explicitly said that cash was the prize, but also said that the $100 would be sent through Discord. Unfortunately, Pokelam will most likely not be reimbursed for this scam as it’s very clear the intention was to play a joke on the winner.

Ubisoft To Release Mobile Version of Rainbow Six Siege 

Ubisoft has recently revealed that they are releasing a new version of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege remade especially for mobile. The mobile version was in the works for three years, but the game is still in its early stages with a closed alpha coming soon. So far there are ten operators, all of which have different looks than the original game, and two maps that look the same as the console and PC version.

Epic Games invests 2 Billion Dollars into the Metaverse

Epic Games, creator of Fortnite and Unreal Engine and one of the biggest faces in gaming, has decided to invest in the future of the Metaverse. 

Epic’s plan seems to be to further the horizons of the Metaverse by hosting events like they have done with Fortnite. These events have been extremely successful in the past with millions of people logging in to watch them. Expanding this method to the Metaverse seems to be a great business decision, for not only Epic but also for music artists and movies who wish to use the Metaverse to promote themselves.

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