Valentine’s Day at South Salem High School

Love is in the Air at South Salem High School. 

Valentine’s Day presents itself in many different fashions. It’s a special holiday to show affection for that special someone. At South everyone experiences Valentine’s Day a little differently. Some people get chocolates and flowers, others get a note hidden in their locker. Some people celebrate years together and some celebrate the beginning of their journey. 

Mr. Miller, a  Physics teacher at South, said “I didn’t date until later in life, I always felt like there was something that was missing. Now that I’ve been with my wife for over 12 years, I look back and I’m kind of happy that in high school I wasn’t with anybody.”

The holiday originates back to the 17th century from the Roman festival of Lupercalia where it once was celebrated to mark the beginning of spring and fertility. Now the day is used to celebrate love and appreciation towards those closest to the heart. People at South share their own experiences with expressing love and gratitude to others and how it makes them feel when they see others doing it.

Kennedy Falbo, a freshman at South, says “I really like seeing the girls who do have a special someone get really nice gifts.”

If anything, it’s better to show platonic love and appreciation to friends. During Valentine’s Day people tend to feel alone, angry, or maybe even hurt. It’s important to understand that the holiday isn’t made for couples, it’s made for love and love comes in so many different forms. Love can be towards others or even to oneself. Self-love is an important part of the ability to love someone.

Mr. Miller said, “I believe that in order to truly love someone else, you have to love yourself first.”

 Math Teacher, Mrs. Fuqua  said, “Your outlook on the day will change how the day goes because I think that if your outlook is, ‘Crap, I’m single, this is sad,’ it’s gonna be a sucky day, but if your outlook is, ‘Love is something to be celebrated and there is love in my life even if it’s not a significant other,’ it can be a beautiful day.”

Valentine’s Day will always be something to somebody for years to come. At South, the love came through from students, teachers, and other staff.

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