A Look Back on Women’s History Month at South: Melissa Kafka

Photo taken by: Ota’Ota-Mele Letisi

Melissa Kafka is a South Salem High School Zoology teacher. This is Mrs. Kafka’s first year teaching at South. She graduated from University of Nebraska Omaha and has always had a passion for animals. Her first jobs were a paper route and babysitting. When asked if she always wanted to be a teacher she said,

 “No, actually I really wanted to work with animals and I did for a little bit.” Kafka said.

Kafka first started as an animal tech where she took care of cats in the Nebraska Humane Society then an opportunity opened up and she was able to start working with dogs. 

“ I worked at the Nebraska Humane Society where I worked with at first the cats and then I started working with the dogs and my job was to get dogs out of their kennels and assess them so that they could find the best home…”  Mrs. Kafka said

Kafka loved working with cats and dogs, but especially working with dogs that were scared. She loved to help the animals overcome their fears and get ready to find their new families and homes. Her favorite thing was having “puppy parties”, where they brought the puppies out to play and socialized them. She said she got to bring her dog at the time into work with her as well. Though, the Nebraska Humane Society wasn’t her only job that was involved with animals.

  “Then I also worked at like, well I didn’t technically work. I wasn’t paid. It was an internship at the zoo in Omaha and so I worked with a bunch of animals there.”  Mrs. Kafka said. 

One of her favorite Tv shows is Parks and Recreation but she says that her favorite is alway changing. Right now she is currently watching The Last of Us

“Yes, I’ve read all the books. I’m in Ravenclaw, but sometimes I feel like a Hufflepuff.”  Kafka said when asked if she’s seen Harry Potter and what house she would be sorted into.

Something that inspires Mrs. Kafka is when she sees kindness because it gives her hope. Something that frustrates her is when she is not able to help kids who have no control of their circumstances.

“If I could combine, which I kind of do with this job because I get to teach Zoology but if I could combine teaching and working with animals that would be the best thing ever.” Kafka said when asked what her dream job is.

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