South Salem High School’s Rainy Golf Season

Image by Matthew Willmschen

The rainy and gloomy weather in Salem has affected many sports all around the district. One sport it has affected at South Salem High School is the golf team. Audrey Willmschen is a freshman who has been playing golf since she was young. This year will be her first year playing on the golf team at South. But due to the weather, her playing time has been lowered. Playing golf in the mud and rain is not  very easy.

“It’s really hard for us to play especially when we’re hitting with our driver because the ball will fly up and then when it hits the ground, it will roll all in the mud and then we have to pick it up, clean it and if the grass is still wet by the next hit we have to do it all over again,”  Willmschen said. 

Though there are disadvantages to playing in the rain. There are also some advantages that the team would not be able to get if the weather was not so gloomy. 

“We wouldn’t be able to play as much as we are now. It is less crowded on the course because of the weather. The golf conditions we play in are not ideal but it works for us so we can get more play time,” Willmschen said.

If the golf team were to play against highschools that had sunny or dryer weather than Salem does, Audrey thinks that they would have an advantage if they were to play against them. 

“We know what to do when things happen. I feel like we’d be more practiced at it and would get less penalties because there’s a lot of rules with golf. And a lot of stroke penalties if you do something wrong. So that is why I think we would have a better advantage,” Willmschen said. 

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