Under Pressure: The Finals Countdown

Image provided by: NJ.com

Finals are just around the corner, running from June 13 -15. Here’s teachers suggest to prepare.

“Don’t try to study for it all at once, take an hour or two and then take some time off and then another hour,” Math teacher Tony Knowles said.

In a study done in 2012, it shows that when people take breaks in between activities it turns on a part of the brain that they call the ‘default mode.’ When the brain enters default mode it helps the brain solve problems more effectively. This is important because it helps the person get a break from what they are focusing on and take a moment to recuperate.

“Okay, good they should go read especially during this finals, and I think the number one thing is to have good sleep hygiene. you should be getting your eight hours, limiting your video games and social media during that time,” Physics teacher Kenneth Miller said.

Teenagers are recommended to get between 8 and 10 hours of sleep a night. Getting enough sleep can help improve the memory, attention span and cognitive abilities. Good sleep improves people’s well being in many ways, but it can affect the person negatively if they don’t get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can affect attention span and academic performance.

“Don’t stress, like put some effort into it, put some work into it, but don’t over stress because that’s when you tend to forget more.,” Math teacher Sarah Keck said.

A recent study done on students in New Orleans shows that students who stress out before a big test have a lower test score. The study also found that the students had a 15% higher stress rate before the big test than normal test days.

“Study and sleep, can’t get any simpler than that.” Miller said. 

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