Artist Taylor Swift performs on stage during her international tour titled the "Eras Tour".

Fans React Swiftly on Taylor

Photo from Paolo VCC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons (No changes made)

Taylor Swift is an extremely popular American singer-songwriter. She recently went on tour, called the “Eras Tour”, which started on March 17, 2023 and is scheduled to end on November 23, 2024. She recently became the first female artist to reach 100 million monthly listeners on Spotify. 

“I went to the Eras Tour three times, including opening night, I think that it is the greatest thing to ever happen to America besides our independence” said Dj Correa

Taylor Swift fans, or “Swifties” are extremely dedicated to her and very loyal. Because not everyone who follows Taylor swift will be able to go to the tour itself, Taylor Swift is creating a documentary on the “Eras Tour” that is confirmed to be coming October 13, 2023.

“I’ve bought tickets, even though I’ve been to the tour I’m going to go see it. I do wish however she would have put it on a streaming service. A little disappointed by the  fact that she’s putting it in theaters and not on a streaming service where a lot more people could see it,” said Amy Bofto.

However, being so popular does not exclude her from having Anti-fans.

“She makes the most incredibly mediocre music ever created, all the songs she makes are the same, there is nothing unique about her music at all and there is nothing notable about her,” said Ben Coven-Goebel, ‘26.

“I’m not saying she’s bad. I’m not saying she’s evil. I’m just saying any idiot with a guitar or piano could play a I-V-vi-IV progression and throw in some sad lyrics about one of your many exes.” Said a student in a response form.

While I myself have never been a “Swiftie”, nor have I ever followed her life or kept track of new song releases, I have never been against her in any way. I like some of her songs, but I have never connected with her as an artist.

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